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Awakening Revelations
The deeper I drop into my awakening journey the more I realize the metaphor of seeing life as an onion is so fu$&ing true 💣
Just when I think “oh I’ve healed that” through breath, journaling, feeling all the feels + somatic movement I find there’s a deeper layer underneath.
When I think “oh great HERE I AM, my awakening is complete, praise God” I realize there are deeper layers. Deeper questions, thoughts, feelings, learnings & lessons. There are more words + firier passions.
There’s more ME. I find there’s always more ME.
It’s exhausting.
It’s confusing.
It’s freeing.
It’s awakening.
I have begun to accept that finding my truest authenticity will take my full life long earth journey.
We were born authentic. We were born love. We were born innocence. Then we are molded by our parents, by society, by schools, by expectations to same, to fit in, to small, to quiet.
Our authenticity remains within us but it is buried under the layers everyone else has covered us up with. It’s stuck inside the straightjacket of this thing called life. It suffocates + traps my meest ME + your youest YOU.
I thought the cloudscape photo in this blog post set me free ⛓
I was wrong. It was just one part of my two-decade-long journey of unbecoming all that everyone expected + it was the rebirth of my authentic self who I’m loving getting to know + journey with.
The Life Long Journey
There is no deeper message this week. Just a heartfelt share that the work - should you choose to do it - is life long. You can not begin it + set it aside because it’s constantly pulling you once you stop numbing + begin seeing.
The work, it’s amazing. It’s fulfilling. It’s exhausting. It’s hard + it’s painful. IT’S ALL THE FEELS but mostly IT’S FREEING + isn’t that how we are supposed to live? Fully? Free? It reminds me of that 1970’s children’s album “Free To Be You and Me”. I think I might need to re-listen to that! (Here is the link if you would like to, too!)
I’m grateful to be in this work. To have learned tools that I use multiple times daily to support + guide + heal me. I am grateful to share those tools with the women I coach + the women in my circles.
I am so so so grateful for the journey of my one audacious life.
Are you ready to fully live yours?
Are you ready to begin to or to deepen your awakening journey?
Then join me. I have so many ways to support you: A solo Awakening Session where we’ll spend 90 minutes diving into how you can begin or deepen your awakening in your one audacious life. The Soul Sessions where we’ll spend 4 weeks working one-on-one together with weekly calls + voice + text support to begin or deepen your awakening in your one audacious life. Or if you’re craving community, get on the wait list for my next Audacious Awakening 12-week Group Coaching Program where, in a community of women just like you, you will be supported on a soul dive into your own awakening journey with weekly group calls, text + voice support, a custom-curated journal, supportive guided breath works + community. It’ll begin your awakening in your one audacious life.
Click the links above to learn more about each! And if you have other ways you crave to be support that aren’t covered in my offerings, I am always open to co-creating something unique for you!
Sharon xo